Decarbonising domestic heating

On Thursday, 5 December we explored how homes can meet energy efficiency standards and what this means at a local level.

Decarbonising domestic heating is necessary, but UK policy does not currently reflect the standards to which houses need to be built to reduce our carbon emissions or build resilience in housing stock for a changing climate. Designing buildings which can adapt to lifestyles and the climate will be essential for future generational resilience to climate change within the UK and beyond.

The government plans to boost minimum energy efficiency standards for private and social rented homes to achieve Energy Performance Certificate C or equivalent by 2030. How can this be achieved at a local level, and what is needed to ensure new housing and retrofitting will provide the necessary resilience?

When Thursday, 5 December 2024. 1:00-2:30pm

Where: The University of Manchester 


  • Claire Brown, Postdoctoral Research Associate in Truly Affordable Net Zero Homes
  • Anees Mank, Programme and Policy Lead (Retrofit), Greater Manchester Combined Authority
  • Chaired by: Professor Maria Sharmina

You can find the slides on The University of Manchester's document repository and on Staffnet