Can place based partnerships drive innovation and growth across a city region and provide the key to levelling up?

This panel event looks at how a place-based approach involving businesses, academia, science and local government can accelerate the region's economic vision and deliver on levelling up.

Innovation GM is a key pillar of the city-region's economic vision, with a plan to deliver a fairer, greener and more productive Greater Manchester economy beyond the pandemic. Leveraging the success of GM's existing research and development hubs in global frontier sectors including advanced materials and manufacturing, health innovation, digital and creative and clean growth.

  • David Collins, Northern Editor, The Sunday Times (Chair)
  • Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester
  • Jessica Bowles, Director of Strategy, Bruntwood
  • Prof Richard Jones, Professor of Materials, Physics and Innovation Policy, The University of Manchester
  • Joanne Roney OBE, Chief Executive, Manchester City Council
  • Dr Beenish Siddique, CEO/Founder, AEH Innovative Hydrogel

This event was recorded on Monday 4 October 2021 and formed part of our party conferences fringe programme.