Greater Manchester Policy Hub

We connect academics with local policymakers to address regional policy agendas.

Within Policy@Manchester, the GM Policy Hub seeks to build relationships between researchers and regional stakeholders to resolve societal challenges and optimise collaborative opportunities across the region.

We support GM policy agendas with briefing notes, roundtables, summaries, blogs and opportunities for offline constructive conversations. We also provide a platform to connect local policymakers with national policymakers, other thought leaders and decision-makers through targeted events. 

The Hub is a dedicated resource for GM policymakers to access academic expertise to help inform evidence-based policymaking. 

GM Policy Hubdates

Every three months, we share an update on our research and activity relevant to Greater Manchester. Read our latest Hubdates below. To receive these updates and information about upcoming events, contact Terri Lucas and we will add you to the mailing list.